Eirlys Dental Practice – Colwyn Bay, Suite 2, Prince’s Park, 1 Prince’s Drive, Colwyn Bay, LL29 8PL
Registered Provider: Coal & Diamond Limited
Registered Manager: Dawn Gorle
Telephone: 01492536638
Email: colwynbay@eirlysdental.co.uk
Website: www.colwynbay.eirlysdental.co.uk
Out of Hours- NHS Direct Wales – 111
This service is not provided by Eirlys Dental Practice, it is commissioned by the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health board
Opening Hours
Mondays – 09.00-17.30
Tuesdays – 09.00-17.30
Wednesdays – 09.00-17.30
Thursdays – 09.00 – 17.30
Fridays – 09.00 – 17.30
*Saturdays – By Appointment
Sundays – Closed
Welcome to Eirlys Dental Practice – Colwyn Bay
If you are a new patient, we would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to the practice. Our team consists of highly trained Dentists, Dental therapists and Nurses.
Quality care, access, convenience and disease prevention for the whole population are our top priorities. We aim to provide a seamless experience in dental care. We offer all diagnostic, preventative and restorative dental care. We are open caring and friendly and aim to include our patients in the decision-making process.
We care about your views
We actively encourage that you ask questions relating to your care in order to tailor our work to your dental needs, and we will always provide you with a written treatment plan outlining the agreed treatment and cost. We will regularly ask you to complete our feedback questionnaires to ensure your views are acted upon and our service is constantly improving.
Meet the Team
- Dawn Gorle: Registered Practice Manager
- Susan Lloves: Assistant Manager
- Shannon Taylor: Lead Receptionist
- Jacob Aubin: Receptionist
- Dr Mostafa Hassaan: GDC 200129 – Dentist
- Dr Mohammad Abdel Daym: GDC 249178 – Dentist
- Dr Dario Sales: GDC 221371 – Dentist
- Dr Addys Peon: GDC 236514 – Dentist
- Dr Gwen Owen: GDC 271798 – Dentist
- Dr Christos Lykidis: GDC 250424 – Dentist
- Dr Edita Subkoviene: GDC 104296 – Dentist
- Dr Stoyan Slavov: GDC 261357 – Dentist
- Dr Smaranda Ionescu: GDC 261498 – Dentist
- Cinthoori Chandramohan: GDC 307527 Dental Therapy
- Leah Hughes: GDC 259203 Dental Therapy
- Ffion Bibby: GDC 302921 Dental Hygiene
- Jordan Paynter: GDC 307113 Qualified Lead Dental Nurse
- Sharon Movis: GDC 207619 Qualified Dental Nurse
- Faye Patterson: GDC 317231 Qualified Dental Nurse
- Chloe Krol: Trainee Dental Nurse & Treatment Coordinator
- Mohammed Farouk: Trainee Dental Nurse
- Omar Mahdy: Trainee Dental Nurse
- Bethan Davies: Trainee Dental Nurse
- Emma Mulvihill: Trainee Dental Nurse
- Tyler Salisbury: Trainee Dental Nurse
- Demi Peach: Trainee Dental Nurse
Our team are constantly developing and training to provide you with the highest level of care and treatment. We undergo rigorous cycles of assessment, audit and improvement. Along with in house training and development and external courses and conferences to ensure you are always being delivered up-to date and current evidence based advise in a safe environment.
We are always happy to receive and accommodate our patients’ preference in seeing a particular dentist where possible and practical to do so.
Disability access and facilities
We believe in even access to all of our patients, and our facilities are all suitable for disabled patients with elevator access to the practice and a disabled toilet.
Designated parking is available, if you have any particular needs please let us know as you book your appointment and we will always do our best to accommodate these.
Registering as a New Patient – NHS and Private
We are accepting NHS and private patients. If you would like register, please call the practice on 01492536638 or fill out the online registration form found on our website. You can book your NHS Dental appointments by telephoning the Dental Practice.
Appointments and Recalls
In order to help you remember your visits, we will send you an email one week before your appointment is due. If we do not have your email, we will send a text reminder 72 hours before your appointment is due.
The length of time between your recall visits will be based on your oral health needs. Please remember, this is only a courtesy service and it is ultimately your responsibility to ensure you attend regularly.
If you are unable to keep an appointment, you need to let us know within 48 hours of your appointment. Other patient’s may well appreciate having the appointment that was allocated to you.
Failure to keep appointments and late cancellations could affect your access to NHS dental care with us. Each time you miss an appointment through failure to attend or late cancelation we will send you a letter requesting you contact to make a further appointment. If you fail two appointments there is the possibility you will lose your place on the NHS.
NHS Dental Charges and Exemptions
If you normally pay for NHS dental treatment, there will be three standard charges. The amount you pay will depend on the treatment you need to keep your teeth and gums healthy.
You will pay one of the three charges below:
Band | Treatment | Charge |
1 | This charge will include an examination, diagnosis and preventative care. If necessary this will include X-rays, scale and polish and planning for further treatment. Urgent and out-of-hours care will also cost £30.00 | £20.00 |
2 | This charge includes all necessary treatment covered by the £20.00 charge PLUS additional fillings, root canal treatments or extractions. | £60.00 |
3 | This charge includes all necessary treatment covered by the £20.00 and £60.00 charges PLUS more complex procedures such as crowns, dentures or bridges. | £260.00 |
** You will only pay one charge even if you need to visit more than once to complete your course of treatment.
*** You can get free NHS dental treatment by you fall into one of the categories below when your treatment starts:
o Children under 18 years of age
o Young people under the age of 19 still in full time education
o Women who are pregnant or have a child under 12 months of age
o If you are an NHS inpatient and the treatment is carried out by the hospital dentist
o If you or your spouse (including civil partner) are receiving Income-based Job Seekers Allowance
o If you or your spouse (including civil partner) are receiving Income Support
o If you or your spouse (including civil partner) are receiving Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
o If you or your spouse (including civil partner) are receiving Pension Credit Guarantee Credit
o If you are named on or are entitled to a valid NHS tax credit exemption certificate
o If you or your spouse (including civil partner) are receiving Universal Credit and qualify for free dental treatment. You should be named on an exemption letter
o If you are named on a valid HC2W certificate
o If you are named on a valid HC3W certificate, you may be eligible for partial help with dental costs
*** Note: If you are exempt from paying for your NHS treatment (e.g. Income Support or Universal Credit) then please refer to http://www.healthcosts.wales.nhs.uk/low-income-scheme for further details.
Emergency and Urgent Care
We aim to see our patients as promptly as possible within 48 hours. We understand how dental pain and problems can be distressing and our role is to help you as quickly and effectively as possible. Urgent appointments are charge as a Band 1 Urgent at £30.00
Private Dental Care
We provide a range of private dental services and price list is available and displayed in the Reception area and on our website. Please enquire at Reception for further details.
Protecting your Patient Records
We have a legal responsibility to keep confidential all the information held about you. All personal information is treated in the strictest confidence. Information may need to be shared with others involved in your care from time to time e.g. with a hospital consultant, but we will always meet the conditions set out in the Data Protection Act 2018 when sharing information.
Your Information and Records (Privacy Policy and Data)
The practice is committed to complying with the Data Protection Act 2018, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), GDC, NHS and other standards.
The practice only keeps relevant information about patients to provide them with safe and appropriate dental care.
The person responsible for Data Protection is Dr Mostafa Hassaan.
Our legal basis for processing data is:
- Consent
- Processing is necessary for the performance of our care for patients
- Referrals
Hard copy and computerised records are stored, reviewed and updated securely and confidentially. Records are securely destroyed when no longer required. Confidential information is only seen by personnel who need to see it and the team are trained on our policies and procedures to keep patient information confidential.
All confidential information is sent via secure methods. Electronic communications and stored data are encrypted. All computerised clinical records are backed up and encrypted copies are kept off-site.
Patients can have access to view their records. Following a written request to the Practice Manager Mrs Dawn Gorle using the ICO Subject access request template, in accordance with GDPR, requests will be free of charge.
Treatment Provided
We offer a full range of dental treatments (diagnostic, preventative and restorative) including, root canal treatment, extractions, fillings, crown, bridge, and periodontal treatment.
Violence and Abuse to our staff
Our staff do their best to provide you with the care and service you need in a timely and compassionate fashion. They deserve to be treated with respect and dignity. Any violence, aggression or abuse towards our staff will not be tolerated and may lead to being removed from the premises and denied future access to our services.
Complaints Procedure
In this practice, we take complaints very seriously and try to ensure that all our patients are pleased with their experience of our service. When patients complain, they are dealt with courteously and promptly so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible.
Our aim is to react to complaints in the way in which we would want our complaint about a service to be handled. We learn from every mistake that we make and we respond to patients’ concerns in a caring and sensitive way. Our Complaints Policy is clearly displayed in Reception. Our Complaints Manager is Mrs Dawn Gorle and our Complaints Responsible Officer is Dr Mohammad Daym.
If you wish to make a complaint please speak with the Complaints Manager. If she is unavailable, we will take brief details about the complaint and let you know when she will be available.
If you would prefer to complain in writing please address this to Mrs Dawn Gorle, Complaints Manager.
If we cannot resolve a complaint immediately it will be acknowledged in writing within 2 working days and we will provide a full response within a reasonable time, confirmed with the patient. We aim to provide the response within 30 working days.
If the complaint needs to be investigated, this will involve the treating dentist if there is one, the relevant members of the team, the practice owner and others if necessary.
When the investigation has been completed, you will be informed of its outcome and invited to a meeting to discuss the results and any practical solutions.
If you are dissatisfied with our response to a complaint you can take it further, please review the contact details below.
The private dental complaints service: call 08456 120540 or visit www.dentalcomplaints.org.uk
The Healthcare Inspectorate Wales: the patient would be directed to the HIW leaflet “Concerns and Complaints about health services in Wales” and/or call: 0300 062 8163 – Email: hiw@gov.wales
The Public Services Ombudsman for Wales: 0300 790 0203 or visit https://www.ombudsman.wales/
Our Complaints Policy is clearly displayed in Reception and our Complaints Manager is Mrs Dawn Gorle.
If you are an NHS patient wishing to make a complaint, you have the option to make your complaint to them under the NHS Wales – Putting Things Right complaints process, however please contact our complaint manager in the first instance so that we have the opportunity to resolve any concerns you may have.
To contact the NHS direct you would need to contact the Complaints Manager at the Betsi Cadwaladr University Health board
Phone: 01248 384194
Fax: 01248 385318
E-mail: ConcernsTeam.bcu@wales.nhs.uk
Letter: The Concerns Team,
Ysbyty Gwynedd,
Bangor, Gwynedd, LL57 2PW
Alternatively, you can contact Llais Wales who can help with complaints advocacy. If you need to get in touch with these please see contact details below:
Tel: 01248 679284
Email: northwalesadvocacy@llaiscymru.org
Address: Llais Bangor, Unit 11 Chestnut Court, Parc Menai, Bangor, LL57 4FH
How to Find Us
We’re close to the A55 expressway for easy access and a six-minute walk from Colwyn Bay Railway Station.
Reviews and Updates Noted:
Date Patient Information Leaflet created | 04/02/2021 |
Reviewed by
Salwa Eissa |
Date HIW notified of changes |
Date Patient Information Leaflet reviewed |
Reviewed by
Dawn Gorle |
Date HIW notified of changes |
Reviewed by
Dawn Gorle |
Date Patient Information Leaflet reviewed |
Reviewed by
Dawn Gorle |
Date Patient Information Leaflet reviewed |
Reviewed by
Dawn Gorle |
Date Patient Information Leaflet reviewed |
Reviewed by
Dawn Gorle |
Date Patient Information Leaflet reviewed |
Reviewed by
Susan Lloves |
Date Patient Information Leaflet reviewed |
Reviewed by
Dawn |
Date Patient Information Leaflet reviewed |